Friday, October 8, 2010

Ok - coming back.

I don't even really remember what all I included in my first post - sorry. However, I do know this: God loves me. I just had a small talk with Him about it. And trust me, He loves you, too.

You see, I've been having problems recently with my prayers, in that I haven't really been praying. I find it far too easy to just forget about Him being there, and sometimes to forget about Him entirely. I get too caught up in my "life" here. College apparently does that to me.
It's bad. And I know it. And God knows it. But... I think God also knows I'm trying. I'm probably never gonna be perfect, and I know that I'm not now. But God loves me, and in accepting that, and accepting His help, God will also save me.

It's hard to admit stuff like this, you know? And, honestly, I don't love God back half as much as he loves me. And we both know that, too. I love a lot in this world, I hope for and strive for a lot in this world. And then, when it's late at night and I've slowed down from everything, I remember that I should be striving for Him, and working for His kingdom, His glory. And I'll make a promise to do better, and then I'll forget later - as in, whenever I wake up.

But- today I was on and I started talking to God again. I love Him, maybe not with everything, but I do love Him. And I thank Him for that. :)

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