Saturday, October 16, 2010


Ok - yeah, this is bad. Sorry! I don't mean to keep these postings coming so late, so I am SO LEGITIMATELY SORRRY!

Anyway, I know that only two people have viewed so far (and thank you! :) ) but i do want to see what people have to say. MOstly about their Christian walk, but totally anything you want to say. Also, if anyone has something they want to talk about, OPEN FORUM!

So- of you have anything you want to say, have said, asked, or answered, I'll try my best. Please remember, though, that I'm just a college student, and I am BY NO MEANS saying I have all the answers! However, I'll make sure to get help if it's not something I think I can answer, and between all of us, I think this can work. :)

By the way- tangental (or, just completely random, but it does kinda go with the college mention!) note: Deep fried oreos RULE! Tailgating for me now = deep friend oreos! But please, don't make it a habit (and I'll try not to, as well), 'cause it's really only grease and sugar. But trust me- try it once (excepting of course if there's a medical need not to - though I think that I'm over-explainging this) because it tastes like funnel cake with an oreo creme center. which is awesome. infinitesimally so. yeah. (lol!)

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